Saturday 14 July 2012

Quick note!

All ADFP rules posts are Quotes from the ADFP handbook.

ADFP Compeition grade rules

Earlier, I briefly explained the competition grades and now I have the full rules from the ADFP handbook:
a. Solo (four gardes) 
  1. Beginner
  2. Starter
  3. Intermediate
  4. Championship
b. U6 Solo grades
As from the 1st January 2006. The under 6 age group can, at the promoter's discretion split in to 2 grades, Beginner and Open. Beginners lives will be lost and cards marked.
As from January 2007. The Under 6 age group can, at the promoter's discretion be split in to 2 grades, Beginner and Starter and there will be loss or life with cards being marked. There will be no intermediate or open grade for the under 6's and both beginner and starters will be restricted to the dress code as per rules 22(b)&(c).

c. Pairs (three grades)
  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate
  3. Championship
    d. Changing status
Compeitiors will change to a higher grade on losing three lives in their own grade or being placed in the final of a higher grade competition in which there are more than six participants.

e. Loss of life
The number of lives lost is determined by the number of competitiors in the first round of the event. As follows:-
1-6 inclusive= no loss of life
7-12 inclusive= first place only to lose a life
13-24 inclusive= first and second to lose a life
25 or more= first, second and third place to lose a life

  1. Beginner Grade Dancer: - Any lives lost by any beginner grade dancer in any age group will be subsequently carried forward into the older age group upon change of age group.
  2. Intermediate Solo Grade Dancer: - One of the lives lost by an intermediate dancer should be first place before they move up to championship grade.
  3. Championship Grade Dancers: - When a championship dancer has lost three lives in accordance with rules 18(d) they will be deemed to be a premier dancer and will not be eligible to downgrade on their next change of age group. This applies to both solo and pairs.

ADFP solo spots rules

Solo spots are usually only performed by Champs/Premier Champs. If one of the events of the day is "Beginner of Beginners" or "Jewel of the Crown" then you would need to create a solo spot. The ADFP rules state:

a. When Freestyle solo spots are danced they shall be restricted to a maximum of 12 bars (48 beats) from the first movement an equal amount of time shall be given to all dancers in the final. Dancers will be allowed a maximum additional 2 bars (8 beats) to clear the floor. All dancers in a final must be given music which has the same continuous beat.

b. Anyone re-starting a solo spot must be asked to do so by the Chairman of Adjudicators or the Promoter and not assume they may do so by right.

c. Solo spots for Rock 'n' Roll will be restricted to a maximum of 15 bars from the first movement (60 beats).

Dancing schedule

The timetable

My dance school

I go to Alison Anderson School Of Dance based in Essex. I only compete in disco freestyle howver oour school does several other styles such as:
  • Street Dance
  • Ballet and Tap
  • Boyz only streetdance
  • Boyz only breakdance
  • Flexibility & Slowdance
  • Kidz fitness
  • Comeptition street and freestyle squad
 I also attend flexiblity, slowdance and kidz fitness (sometimes). If you would like to learn more about my style of dance and this dance school please look at her website: 

ADFP costume rules

The ADFP rules state (applys to solo's, pairs,and teams) (in terms of costune and dress):
a. Sutiable footwear should be worn by all competitiors (usually bare feet)

b. Beginners. Beginners may noly wear items of plain coloured basic design "dancewear" either one piece or two piece. Each item must be one single colour without added decoration of any type (i.e. no cut outs, latticebelts, anklets, slits/slashes or leg warmers). Commercial sports wear is not allowed. Matching hair ties/scrunchies that meet the above criteria are allwoed.

c.  Starters. Starters outfits may be any fabric including foiled fabrics but not sequinned fabrics. They may be of any design but may not have any added beads/sequins/stones or any other form of added glitter to the manafactured material.

d. Outifts should be suitable for the age group of the dancer and should be the responsibilty of the parent/teacher.

e. Dancers will be subject to disciplinary action of rule 7 (g) appertaining to logos etc. Name and staus card number will be taken and reported on the Competition report form for future use.

Friday 13 July 2012