Saturday 14 July 2012

ADFP Compeition grade rules

Earlier, I briefly explained the competition grades and now I have the full rules from the ADFP handbook:
a. Solo (four gardes) 
  1. Beginner
  2. Starter
  3. Intermediate
  4. Championship
b. U6 Solo grades
As from the 1st January 2006. The under 6 age group can, at the promoter's discretion split in to 2 grades, Beginner and Open. Beginners lives will be lost and cards marked.
As from January 2007. The Under 6 age group can, at the promoter's discretion be split in to 2 grades, Beginner and Starter and there will be loss or life with cards being marked. There will be no intermediate or open grade for the under 6's and both beginner and starters will be restricted to the dress code as per rules 22(b)&(c).

c. Pairs (three grades)
  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate
  3. Championship
    d. Changing status
Compeitiors will change to a higher grade on losing three lives in their own grade or being placed in the final of a higher grade competition in which there are more than six participants.

e. Loss of life
The number of lives lost is determined by the number of competitiors in the first round of the event. As follows:-
1-6 inclusive= no loss of life
7-12 inclusive= first place only to lose a life
13-24 inclusive= first and second to lose a life
25 or more= first, second and third place to lose a life

  1. Beginner Grade Dancer: - Any lives lost by any beginner grade dancer in any age group will be subsequently carried forward into the older age group upon change of age group.
  2. Intermediate Solo Grade Dancer: - One of the lives lost by an intermediate dancer should be first place before they move up to championship grade.
  3. Championship Grade Dancers: - When a championship dancer has lost three lives in accordance with rules 18(d) they will be deemed to be a premier dancer and will not be eligible to downgrade on their next change of age group. This applies to both solo and pairs.

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